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Cause of cause of death projection model

\kɑz\ \ʌv\ \kɑz\ \ʌv\ \dɛθ\ \prəˈʤɛkʃən\ \ˈmɑdəl\

A longevity projection model that aims to predict the future changes to mortality rates by modeling the changes in the underlying causes of specific causes of death.

This type of model goes one step further than a cause of death projection model; instead of focusing directly on the cause of death, it tries to capture the underlying reasons for changes in the occurrences of that cause of death. For example a cause of death projection model could focus on how cancer rates are changing over time, while a cause of cause of death projection model could focus on reductions in smoking rates or increases in cancer screenings first, in order to understand how cancer rates are changing and subsequently the effects on future mortality rates.

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